• Time

    Gently woven strands stretch before me- a ladder to be tread upon, forward, forward, always to the future. Rungs drop one by one behind me with each passing step, never allowing a second chance, only a remembered glance and the constant feeling there was a better path to choose. Oh to pause and rest awhile. To have a moment when all hangs, frozen, just as it is. Nothing changing. Nothing changing. To simply be where I am and who I am before the next rung is up. Stillness, you are the transcendent luxury I never claim till it is too late. -Rachel Hall

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  • Dare Me to Break

    This is a short poem, reflecting on hope. Pause, breathe, then begin. If you can, read it out loud to yourself. May it bring you some comfort in whatever ways you need it. How do we hold onto hope? It is fragile. A creature often paired with misery, as if to truly taste the sweet one must also taste the bitter. It likes to run, hope does. Take its sweetness and flee. It is too delicate for catching back like some ordinary thing. Even in small doses, it is strong. Palpable, even. It rises to the surface in seas of nothingness- internal storms beware the buoyancy. If you call to…

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  • 3 Ways to Build a Tribe that Lasts

    *A 2 Minute Read* 1- Intentionality is key. Everyone wants to be the person someone else is asking out to coffee, so be the kind of person who does the asking. Be an initiator even when its scary. Even when it means having to adjust your schedule to make it work.  Deep friendships don’t happen in 1 month and they don’t happen on accident. After initiating a few hang outs, pay attention to who returns the favor. You can’t be the one always texting them, and neither can you expect someone else to be the one always remembering to call you. Friendships with a two way street will go the…

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  • The Productivity Idol

    *A 2 Minute Read* A few weeks ago I noticed some red flags in my behavior. 1. Constant stress. 2. Inability to stop working in the evening. 3. Never feeling good about what I accomplished that day, no matter how much I did. At first I told myself this was just what working for yourself is supposed to be like. That any hard-working, entrepreneurial spirit would have these traits. That the life of a creative is mostly a hustle and grind routine, so I just needed to get with the program and make peace with the fact that this is what it takes to be successful. After all, I live…

  • Three Reasons Waiting is Hard

    1- Waiting = Trusting God’s timing, not your own.  Trust is letting go of control (or perceived control) and we love us some perceived control. At least I do. I could grip my plans till I’m blue in the face. But its only in the letting go that we surrender and only in the surrender that we experience the depth of relationship Jesus is offering. He is better than any sight we set our eyes on in the here and now.  2- Waiting asks us to shift our focus.  Anytime our eyes fall from Heaven’s door to present circumstance, our perspective shifts. Holding the tension between the pain of the…

  • 5 Things I’ve Failed at Since January 1st

    Drinking water. I don’t know WHAT the deal is, but drinking water is so hard for me. I’m pretty sure my body exists in some chronically depleted state but has just learned to cope.  2. Asking for help. I am a helper by nature. And helpers help, but often have a really hard time asking for help. Sounds like a simple fix, but its weirdly not. Anyone feel me on this one? 3. Date nights. Somehow these have gone by the wayside. Usually Grant and I try to grab one morning a week to at least sit and have coffee just the two of us (we’ve found we usually have…

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  • If I Should Have a Daughter

    Hi friends-   Today I got to share some behind the scenes on why I wrote my spoken word poem ‘If I should Have a Daughter’ over on Shannon Geurin’s blog (https://shannongeurin.com/blog/). This poem is about what I would say to my future daughter, if I should ever have one. But it’s also about the identity all women have as daughters, and what that means in this world of ours. Here’s a snippet from the post I wrote (and if you haven’t seen the poem, I linked it below for you too!)   “We are the warrior women. The women with lives that speak volumes and mouths that say the…

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  • Pick Up Your Mat and Walk

    The rain falls gently outside the windowpane of my apartment in Los Angeles. Normally the weather here is sunny, but today the rain patters, and I breathe. This has been a season of loss. Of anger. Of waiting. A season where what I thought I knew was turned on its head. A season where my understanding of forgiveness and grace was challenged in a way it never had been before. A season of choosing to trust God when my flesh would rather just walk away. The rain drips, and so drips my soul. The pains of this season welling up, then falling down my cheeks. And I wish this could…

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  • Why do we hide?

    I sit here on my phone, and I see it right there on the screen. The friend with the secret. The one the world forgot. The one who hides because she is afraid of who will love her if they know her, truly. And my heart breaks. This friend. This heart that hides thinking hiding is safety and safety is goal and aren’t we all the heart that hides? Don’t we all have our secret spaces of unspoken broken we push to the far corners of our lives because the fear of being known and unloved, that weight is too great and its so much easier to give half self,…

  • The Woman I Aspire to Be

    Somewhere, out there, I grasp at the strands of the woman I long to be. The grace-girl with tired feet, a free spirit, and a full heart. The one who sits in His presence so she can sit in the present. The one who doesn’t run from the hard broken of this beat up world. The one who stands beside the bleeding and bleeds too. The one who can stand to ask the hard questions because she knows in the end even the unanswered questions rest in the palms of a Good God. The woman who looks to the future and then runs, hard, in the lane in front of…