Faith,  Life

Three Reasons Waiting is Hard

1- Waiting = Trusting God’s timing, not your own. 

Trust is letting go of control (or perceived control) and we love us some perceived control. At least I do. I could grip my plans till I’m blue in the face. But its only in the letting go that we surrender and only in the surrender that we experience the depth of relationship Jesus is offering. He is better than any sight we set our eyes on in the here and now. 

2- Waiting asks us to shift our focus. 

Anytime our eyes fall from Heaven’s door to present circumstance, our perspective shifts. Holding the tension between the pain of the wait and the ultimate good you know is coming is a hard thing. We are neither a people of delusion, pretending whats hard isn’t hard, nor are we people without hope. We learn something about God when we learn to hold both of these things in tension at once.

God will deepen your relationship in a unique way when you choose to focus on Him instead of a timeline. Waiting is hard, but God is good. Trusting His character is what gets us through circumstances and timelines that we wouldn’t have picked, given the chance.

Comparison is a by-productof doubting God’s goodness in your life.

3- Waiting can become temptation for comparison, and comparison is the thief of joy. 

If you get too focused on the time its taking for God to move/ that wound to heal/ that pain to go away/ that dream to get green-lighted, and then look sideways to someone else’s journey, you are walking right into a trap, friend. 

God is personal enough to handle each of our lives individually. He didn’t forget you, your lane just looks different than any one else’s. We thrive when we run our lane well instead of pausing mid-stride to wonder why someone else is running a different race.

Comparison is a by-product of doubting God’s goodness in your life. 

Also Instagram lies- no one’s life is going the way they want it to all the time (even if they have great hair, photogenic kids, and hustle their dream so effortlessly, you’d think they must be a magical unicorn warrior mermaid).

Fellow Person in Wait,



  • Lisa

    So true! Love this, but #3 spoke to me. That “comparison” thing sits on my shoulder everyday, and, it’s been my observation, that women are really guilty of constant, clothes, body types, even cupcakes for their kid’s party at school. I remember hearing, when you compare yourself to someone else, one of two things happen: you either falsely see yourself as superior, or you find yourself feeling inferior. Neither one of these is who God created you to be.
